Tuesday 15 March 2011

Foundation Portfolio Evaluation Question Part 2- Joely

9. What was your contribution to the process during the planning, production stages?

I have contributed to all areas of planning of the horror film, while we had to plan the different areas to create the final ideas for the film. First we had to look at other horror films and to I did a textual analysis, which gave us ideas when creating out own film. Later on in the planning I did the audience and certificate research where I was able to see which age group best suited our Psychological horror film. When we started filming we all took parts of the storyboard we had drawn and we filmed that area of the movie each. When one the members of our group was ill, on the re-shoot of the film after I camera fault on first shoot me and the other two members then filmed the other members part of the film. After shooting everything we needed for our film as a group we then decided to then edit the parts the movie we had filmed together and then after we had edited everything then edit it together to be able cut down the length of the film to around 2 minutes. I have had no involvement with creating the soundtracks on GarageBand but I have heard at the tracks that have been created and have responded and helped improve the soundtracks.

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