Tuesday 15 March 2011

Foundation Portfolio Evaluation Question Part 2- Joely

7. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

While creating the and producing the film, we have used different technologies. The first technology was Blogger, we created an account as a group so we could upload our planning onto the blog and document everything we have done through the planning process. While using blogger it helped our group remain organized with the work we had done so far through the planning process. Also we have carried on using blogger after all of our planning was finished as we are now using it to show our progress while editing and producing our music track on GarageBand and to show our evaluation of our film.

We also used GrarageBand, is a programme that helped us as a group create the soundtrack for the film that would be synced in with the final edited film. We first started creating the backing tracks and using different instruments like reflective strings and the organs to create tension in the film.

Here we have used both  lunar and reflective strings at the opening scene of the film.

These are the instruments we used tho create the soundtrack for the film as we needed to create the tension for the film.
Also we created our own sounds by screaming, scratching and shouting and them being recorded  and then them being distorted by using different vocal effects. After we created the different sound we added them to the soundtrack of the film.

We also used Imovie and after we had filmed we uploaded our shots from the camera and started to edit the movie together. After using Imovie for our preliminary project earlier in the year we already knew how to work with it, and found editing very easy and quick to do.

Below are arrange of photographs of Imovie.

Here is a picture of the clip board which helped us organize our clips and then put them in order and also put the clips that we didn't want to use. Also it helped as we could bring the different clips in and out when we were editing the film.

 Imovie also helped us as it allowed us to play with our clips and also correct any mistakes we had in our film.


Here is where with Imovie we have synced the music together with the film and changed the volume of the different effects and music, so they fit perfectly with the story line of the film.

In this shot we have darkened it as it needed to fit in with the rest of the darker shot before and afterwards and also to give this scene a creepier effect.

These technologies we have used have helped use be more creative when planning as we have known what we would be able to do when editing on Imovie or when think of the music we needed to create on GarageBand. On Imovie it has many different effects we can add on to the film, also when we knew what we wanted to film we knew we would be able to edit it on Imovie to the way we want the clips to look like in the film. Also when wondering what kind of soundtrack we wanted to be able to produce we knew there was a wide range of instruments on GarageBand would allow us to create it.

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