Questionnaire- We asked another media student to watch our film and write down there thoughts and things that could have been improved. She said that we used appropriate and effective conventions to constantly increase the tension throughout. She also said the setting where we filmed the sequence made it more realistic and made our main character appear more venerable due to the size of the ward as it's quite con packed. From the feedback we got from the questionnaire I feel that we were able to make our film suitable and effective for our target audience.
To make our film have similar conventions that a renowned horror film would contain, we choose a actress that was petite, our age and had blonde hair. We choose her as her appearances along with added makeup made her seem very innocent along with the blonde hair and petite added with the high angles made her seem very venerable to whatever was following her. By doing this we hoped to achieve the sympathy from the audience to be able to relate to her and want to carry on watching the film and find out the ending. We also added eyeshadow and with her being naturally quite pale it gave her again an innocent and weak appearance, yet a spot of mystery and a slight era to her to make her seem not quite all there.
We based her whole appearance on the actress from "The Ward" as she is a blonde girl and is set in the same environment and portrays a venerable woman.

For the music we added our own soundscape in places like when she is walking from one bay to another and some breathing sounds with a sudden bang to heighten the tension. We also had other music produced by Elliot on "Garageband" to add in the background when she is walking around and when she runs to the operating theatre to keep the audience intrigued and in suspense.
For mise-en-scene we had based it in a hospital, so we already had important props such as hospital beds, machines and curtains along with other objects that would be found in that environment. Our audience said that they like the short, sharp shots in horror movies as they keep you watching and wanting to find out what's going on whilst also being an effective use in camera work, so we tried to include some when she is walking down the main corridor and when she is walking into the corner to see where she is walking to and the different emotions she is portraying.

Half way through the sequence, the tension "heart beat" music is introduced as the image of the dead girl is introduced. We thought was an effective use of music and commonly used to heighten the tension. We decided to try this out and add it into our film which proved to be very successful and kept the audience intrigued when our character is running to the operating theatre.
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