Tuesday 15 March 2011

Evaluation question part 2 - Louise

8. Looking be back at your perliminary task, what do you feel do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full project?

As I changed groups due to filming locations and difficulties with distance I had a different perliminary film to the rest of my group. However it is clear to see that there are many more angles and shot types used throughout our full film and the continuity flows much more smoothly.

Also the shots are longer in order to add pace and tension throughout the film. Music has also been added to our final film where as my perliminary task was silent, apart from surrounding noises, and therefore was not as exciting and suspensful as it should be.

However from the perliminary task i learnt that a tripod is very useful in order to get a stready and therefore accurate shot. An example of this was when we used a canted angle and found a tripod extremely useful when enabling the camera to move freely and smoothly creating the shot.

 I have further learnt that the use of shot reverse shot creates much needed depth and tension in order to keep the film interesting and effective to watch. I have also learnt that music is very important in order to build the tension and enable the film to appear more scary and exciting thus why we have added music to our film. Also a wider range in shots is used in our horror film in order to increase a smooth flow and effective continuity as we tended to us the same mid and long shots throughout the preliminary which made it seem uninteresting and not very scary. The only variety we used was over the shoulder and one close up, therefore  I learnt that a range or shots is vital in creating excitement and tension but also that headroom is a very important factor to consider when filming to make sure the subject is fully focused on when the film is watched in order to draw the audience in.

If i was was to do the production again i would possibly make sure that there is more still and less moving shots as it camera shake is easily done which can ruin the films tension whereas some stillness encourages the audeince to engage and watch what is about to happen. Although a shaky camera is brilliant for point of view, I think less point of view shots could be more effective as it can get quite repetative.

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