Tuesday 1 February 2011

Homework - Marking of previous students work

Watch all the videos and give then a mark out of 60 using the mark scheme below and explain your reason why...?

I would give this short film 34-35 marks which is a
high level 2. I chose this marks because it used simple 
shots but used a variety of different distances. Also the 
sound and music used was appropriate, which created 
tension in the film. Also i marked down the film as it 
featured no titles showing who was in the film or who 
directed or produced the film,except the name of the 

Louise's Analysis
I would give this a 23-24 marks which is the top of a level 1 going into a level 2. I think this as there isn't a very different variety of shots, it tends to stick to the same shot through out which is a long shot and contains one close up. However it does use music approprietly and its titles are convienintly placed. If this film contained a larger variety of shots then it would have been well into the level 2 as the music, sound, setting and lighiting are appropriate in represetnting the genre and setting. Props, lighting and setting however are effectively used to create the atmosphere.

Elliot's Analysis
I would give this film 23-24 marks which is a high level one. Atmosphere is created well and the lighting and setting are effective. However, not a lot happens throughout most of the 2 minutes, and the audience may get bored. A horror movie has to grip it's audience right from the start of the film, and this opening sequence fails to achieve this. While the technical aspects are very good, the lack of pace lets it down. You don't even find out that it's a zombie film until the end of the clip.

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